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Used Cost Estimating Books

Matches gathers a wide variety of published cost estimating books. We offer these books at significantly reduced prices.

RS Means' Site Work & Landscape Cost Data RSMeans Site Work & Landscape Cost Data - 2010, ISBN: 987-0-87629-839-8. If your work involves site work and landscape designing, engineering, construction management or consulting this cost reference is one of the most valuable estimating tools you can use. This book which include unit and assemblies costs for earthwork, sewage, piped utilities, site improvements, handicapped access ramps, drainage, paving, street openings/ repairs, trees and shrubs, underground tanks, railroad and marine work, general items and landscape construction of all types.
MSRP $169, Price $69

RS Means' Heavy Construction Cost Data 2009

RSMeans Heavy Construction Cost Data - 2009, ISBN: 987-087629-176-4.  If your work involves heavy construction of all types including highways, bridges, utilities, rail, marine, sanitary and storm sewers designing, engineering, construction management or consulting this cost reference is one of the most valuable estimating tools you can use. This book include unit and assemblies costs for heavy construction project that include airports, waterways, docks, highways, bridges, utilities, rail, marine, sanitary and storm sewers.
MSRP $154.95, Price $51

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      ($69 plus $10 shipping and handling)
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      ($51 plus $10 shipping and handling)
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