Engineering Matches

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  • Chemical, Biological & Materials Engineering at The University of Oklahoma study how to convert low value raw materials into high value products by making highly specific chemical changes in that material.  Our graduates work in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, design and construction, pulp and paper, petrochemicals, food processing, specialty chemicals, microelectronics, electronic and advanced materials, polymers, biotechnology, environmental health and safety industries, among others.
  • Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at The University of Arizona teaches chemical and environmental engineering to a broad diversity of students and prepare them to be competitive in the global job marketplace through mentoring, research and internship opportunities. Pioneer quality research which advances engineering fundamentals and promotes innovations in technology development especially in the areas of energy, environmental technology, biotechnology and nano-scale device manufacturing in order to foster the knowledge based economy in Arizona and the nation.
  • Aromatic Cedar Association's goals are to provide information regarding the management and utilization of aromatic cedar, connect businesses individuals and government agencies together, and to promote and develop the eastern redcedar industry.
  • Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity and Educational Foundation strive for the advancement of chemistry both as a science and as a profession.